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How to detect myopia?

Pediatric Eye Clinic The main sign that will make us detect the presence of myopia is blurred vision at a distance. Anyway, headache or dizziness can also indicate the presence of myopia. The only way to reliably detect the presence of myopia is to go to an ophthalmology center where we can carry out the appropriate refractive tests and a complete examination of the eye. at homeIn order to detect the presence of myopia we must examine whether we see clear objects at a long distance or see them blurred. This test that we can do at home must be done first with one eye and closing the other,...

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What symptoms help to detect it in time?

Pediatric Eye Clinic Keratoconus at first can be confused with refractive problems such as myopia, due to a decrease in vision and more commonly with astigmatism due to the appearance or sudden increase in it. An important symptom to take into account is that Keratoconus usually prevents complete vision correction with the use of lenses, that is, despite wearing lenses, vision is not completely clear. Many times patients change lenses over and over again without finding improvement and get used to reduced vision without going to the specialist doctor. This could be very serious for young...

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What does Keratoconus do in the child's eye and what are its causes

Pediatric Eye Clinic The progression of Keratoconus deforms the cornea of ​​the eye, making the normal spherical shape become conical, and its progression results in partial or total loss of vision. This is caused by the formation of irregular astigmatism that progresses and deteriorates abnormally, and in more severe cases by scarring of the cornea. What are your causes? The specific causes of Keratoconus are unknown, it is attributed to genetic factors and diseases related to collagen, skin conditions, some types of allergies that cause the patient to continually rub their eyes and congenital...

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Is keratoconus hereditary? Risk factor's

Pediatric Eye Clinic Studies indicate that keratoconus can be inherited from parents to children in up to 10-14% of cases. However, in most patients it manifests itself sporadically, linked to certain genetic patterns that are still being investigated. In addition, environmental factors such as allergy and continuous rubbing of the eyes have also been found to be fundamental causes that contribute to its appearance. On the other hand, there are more secondary factors associated with the appearance of keratoconus, such as overexposure to ultraviolet rays, small persistent injuries to the eye,...

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What vision problems does keratoconus cause?

Pediatric Eye Clinic On certain occasions, it may happen that the thickness of the cornea in the central and paracentral area begins to suffer a progressive thinning, in turn producing a modification of the corneal curvature. It usually occurs in both eyes and ends up resulting in a change in the shape of the cornea, going from a spherical to a conical shape. For this reason, both astigmatism and myopia usually occur, resulting in blurred and distorted vision of images. In addition, other symptoms that may indicate keratoconus are increased sensitivity to bright light and glare, a frequent...

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8 guidelines to avoid itchy eyes:

Pediatric Eye Clinic Stay away from possible allergens such as pollen, dust, mold or animal hair. Carry out proper hand hygiene, washing them frequently. Avoid exposure to screens for long periods of time and take breaks. Ventilate and renew the air to prevent dry eye.Use quality sunglasses to avoid visual fatigue. Apply cold with spoons or tea bags previously chilled in the fridge: this method helps relieve itching in the short term and helps reduce theinflammation. Moisturize the area with a specific eye contour cream: this type of cream can be applied around the eyebrows, dark circles...

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Pediatric Eye Clinic Does keratoconus ring a bell? It is very common to observe how some children -especially those with allergies- strongly rub their eyes to relieve itching. However, this custom could be more dangerous than we imagine, as they could develop keratoconus. This disease is characterized by thinning of the cornea and has no known origin, but we do know for sure that rubbing the eyes is a major risk factor. It is important to avoid doing it, both in the case of adults and children, and make sure that they do not adopt this habit as a solution to itching, since the consequences...

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More than 11 years of experience in the control of myopia, Ortho-K, irregular corneas and special contact lenses for children and adults.


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